Tuesday, March 25, 2008

TSM Database Unload/Reload

I've seen a lot of mixed messages about what the results of a TSM database dump/reload are in real-world scenarios.

I did one of these recently (with an AUDITDB afterwards), and thought I'd take note of my results.

Database size - 60GB
Time to do DB backup to 3590H: 45-50 minutes

Database size - 35GB
Time to do DB backup to 3590H: 10-15 minutes

The UNLOADDB process took about 7 hours on a pSeries 520, 8GB RAM, using 8 x 73GB 15k rpm drives for the database disks. I unloaded to a file device class on a nice speedy NFS server.

The LOADFORMAT stuff took about 10 minutes, I think.

The LOADDB took about 3 hours.

The AUDITDB - well, that took about 20 hours.

In the end, the auditdb did find some cruft in the database that needed some repairing, and it did do the trick to get rid of a nasty server crash issue.

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