Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fixing Windows with Linux

For those of you who've ever wondered why it's such a pain to resize the C: drive on a Windows server, here's a nice (and free) solution.

1) Download the latest version of the Knoppix Linux LiveCD and burn it to a CD.
2) Boot it up, open a shell session.
3) 'su' to root.
4) Run 'qtparted' to have a nice graphical tool to resize partitions, including NTFS partitions.

Knoppix is also lovely for giving you read-only access to an NTFS partition when you've destroyed your Windows install. I recently used this method to recover data from a home PC for a family friend where their windows install was completely inoperative. Booted up Knoppix, plugged in a 300GB USB hard drive, and copied all the useful data from the drive before a complete wipe and reload.

Good stuff, good stuff!

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