Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cool toys for Apple II geeks

Okay, I know there aren't many Apple II geeks left out there, but as a guy with two Apple IIe's and an Apple IIgs in my house (and still in working condition), I thought the following couple of things would be useful:

ADTPro: Apple Disk Transfer ProDOS

This is a cool tool to allow you to transfer disk images (in multiple formats) to and from your Apple II system over serial, audio, and Ethernet. In my case, I had no system disks available, but was able to use ADTPro to bootstrap the Apple II over a serial cable using my Super Serial Card. Cool beans. Once it was up and running, I could format disks and send disk images of my choice over the wire.

CFFA for Apple II: Compact Flash Interface Card for Apple II

Who needs a SCSI card and hard drive when you can slap in a 256MB CompactFlash card into your Apple II? This is cool!

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