Saturday, August 15, 2009

MSCS: RPC Server is unavailable during node add

This one seems to be a little specific to my (or other large) environments.

Turns out, despite the fact that my first node and second node could ping each other by short name, fqdn; they could use nblookup to perform a netbios lookup against each other, the second node wouldn't join the cluster.

I checked my network binding order, I checked all sorts of other goodies..

Turns out that because of the large environment and the transitions we're going through, the nodes could resolve each other by their 'real' fqdn, but if you tried a ping, it would show a different dns suffix.


Would succeed, but show:

I added an entry in the hosts file to make sure that the short name of the server was listed with the old fqdn, and that fixed it:

192.168.x.x nodeb

Friday, June 19, 2009

iPhone 3.0 Upgrade Issues....

Only one problem with the iPhone upgrade process to 3.0, and I've encountered it twice now that I've seen:

Make sure that you've got good connectivity to the iTunes store from your PC before you upgrade. It'll save you a lot of trouble. Otherwise you'll end up with an inactive iPhone that will only allow you to make emergency (911) calls until you manage to get it connected. Fun stuff.

Browser wars....

You know, I get awfully tired of the stupid browser wars... even more stupid are applications that are built specifically around one browser or another when there's a whole fleet of standards out there.

Things for my job like this:
-IBM SAN Volume Controller Console: Works under IE, but doesn't look right and it's a pain to use. Firefox for this. Chrome doesn't work well at all.
-IBM 3494 Tape Library: Gives a nice warning when you load the page that you should be using IE to manage it. I haven't had any problems that I've noticed if I use Firefox.
-IBM/Tivoli Storage Manager Administration Center: Well, Firefox has less rendering problems than IE or Chrome, but Chrome is close - and a HECK of a lot faster.

None of these are particularly challenging or fancy interfaces by today's standards... why they have to be so specific to a particular rendering engine I'm not sure at all.